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UK Compliance: Companies House filings
UK Compliance: Companies House filings

Create a draft document for supported reports for Companies House filings within UK Compliance report section

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Updated over 10 months ago

Companies House filings

Pulling required data for Companies House filings can be achieved on Ledgy with our UK Compliance report feature. This article outlines the current supported filings in Ledgy and how to generate relevant report data for a given Companies House filing.

Return of allotment of shares (SH01)

The Return of Allotment Shares is a Companies House form referred to as SH01. This form must be completed if a company decides to issue (allot) new shares at any point after incorporation. The form must be submitted to Companies House within one month of issuance (allotment).

The SH01 form is split into 5 parts:

  • Part 1: Company details

  • Part 2: Allotment dates

  • Part 3: Shares allotted

  • Part 4: Statement of capital

  • Part 5: Statement of capital (prescribed particulars of rights attached to shares)

Currently, in Ledgy, one can configure report data for all required parts within the SH01 form.

Configure SH01: Shares Allotted

The following report will include relevant data for SH01 Part 1: Company details, Part 2: Allotment dates, and Part 3: Shares allotted.

  • Navigate to Reports > UK Compliance > Select SH01: Shares Allotted

  • Configure the dates according to the latest issued shares that need to be reported via SH01 (e.g. share issuance or exercise transactions)

    • If only reporting data for a single issuance date, set “From date” and “To date” to the same date, otherwise set required reporting period.

  • Based on the company settings and created (draft and published) transactions, the report will only include:

    • Part 1: Company details

    • Part 2: Allotment dates

    • Part 3: Shares allotted

      • Issued shares within defined period separated by currency, class of shares, different nominal value, different amount paid on each share.

      • Issued shares within defined period are aggregated (sum) if they have the same currency, class of shares, nominal value and same amount paid on each share.

      • Future stock splits will not be considered.

Configure SH01/CS01: Statement of capital

The following report will include relevant data for SH01 Part 4: Statement of capital and SH01 Part 5: Statement of capital (prescribed particular of rights attached to shares).

Note that this report is identical to the report required for CS01: Part 2.

  • Navigate to Reports > UK Compliance > Select SH01/CS01: Statement of capital

  • Configure the dates according to the latest issued shares that need to be reported via SH01 or CS01

    • Within the context of SH01, “Confirmation date” should be set equal to the “To date” in the SH01: Shares Allotted report

  • Based on the created (draft and published) transactions the report will only include:

    • For SH01

      • Part 4: Statement of capital

        • Aggregated (sum) issued shares before and on the set “Confirmation date” and Aggregated nominal value (number of shares multiplied by corresponding nominal value) for a corresponding share class grouped by currency.

          • Example:

            • Issued 100 shares of common share class with nominal value 0.5

            • Issued 200 shares of common share class with nominal value 0.05

            • Aggregated nominal value equals 60

      • Part 5: Statement of capital (prescribed particular of rights attached to shares)

        • Share class information for a linked share class

        • Voting rights (if defined) and hurdle price (if defined) will be affected by stock split as of the “Confirmation date”

    • For CS01

      • Part 2: Statement of capital change

Confirmation statement (CS01)

Confirmation statement is a Companies House form referred to as CS01. The form is used to confirm that the company details are up to date. Companies must file a confirmation statement at least once per year.

The CS01 is split into 5 separate forms that must be sent together with the Confirmation statement:

Currently, in Ledgy, one can configure report data for:

  • Part 2: Statement of capital change.

    • Note that this form is the same information required in SH01 Part 4 and Part 5.

  • Part 4: Shareholder information change.

Configure SH01/CS01: Statement of capital

See how to configure report here.

Configure CS01: Shareholder information

The following report will include relevant data for CS01 Part 4: Shareholder information change.

  • Navigate to Reports > UK Compliance > Select CS01: Shareholder information change

  • Configure the dates according to the latest confirmation date (”Last report date”) until the current Confirmation date for the Confirmation statement.

    • If preparing data for the first Confirmation statement, please set “Last report date” to the first transaction date

  • Based on the created (draft and published) transactions the report will only include data required for CS01 Part 4: Shareholder information change. It will include:

    • Issued shares to stakeholders within the set report period, aggregated (sum) per share class.

    • Transferred amount of shares from stakeholder and the corresponding date of registration of transfer.

      • In Ledgy, “The date of registrations of transfer” is set as the transaction date of the given transfer.

    • Future stock splits will not be considered.

Register of members

The register of members is a record of the company's members and the details of the shares they hold. Every company is required to keep a register of its members.

  • Navigate to Reports > Compliance > Register of members

The report includes, by default, the following columns:

  • Issued shares

  • Nominal value per share

  • Amount paid (computed as Issued shares * Share price)

  • Date became member (the date a shareholder first received shares)

  • Date ceased as member (the date a shareholder’s total shares went back to zero)

  • Stakeholder's address

The report is grouped by share class and stakeholder by default.


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