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The Ledgy Employee Dashboard

All your grant's details at a glance.

Frances Agoncillo avatar
Written by Frances Agoncillo
Updated over a month ago


This article provides an overview of the Employee Dashboard's key sections, including your equity summary and detailed breakdowns of your stakes and vesting. Explore these features to gain a clearer understanding of your equity and its potential growth.

Our focus on making equity transparent has led us to create a space where employees can see all the data regarding their grants.

Here's a breakdown of the Employee Dashboard:

Employee Dashboard

Your equity

In this section you can see the overall number of each type of equity instrument you hold.

If you own any shares outright, you’ll see the number as well as their current stock value.

You can also see each equity grant you have, as well as the next vesting event date(s) and date the grant(s) are fully vested, as well as the current estimated value of the vested portion of each grant.

If you have a combination of grant types, your equity section will show the breakdown.

Vesting breakdown

The Vesting breakdown, shows you the entire time-based vesting schedule(s) in a colourful graph. By hovering over the graph at a certain time and date, you can see how many cumulative units, and their estimated value, will have vested by then.

If you have multiple grants, you will see all their vesting schedules by default. You can select to only see certain vesting graphs and make others invisible.

You can also toggle between the individual view of each vesting schedule on the Individual tab, and the accumulated vesting schedule of all of your grants, by clicking the Accumulated tab


This is only relevant if an exercise window is open. Reach out to your point of contact within your company to find out more about exercising your options.

As to the process on Ledgy, you can see a step-by-step guide here.

Other parts of your Ledgy Account


In the Holdings section, you can get an overview of each issuance of shares and issued stock (typically from Exercising) via the ‘Your Shares’ tab.

You can also get a breakdown of each grant in the ‘Your Grants’ tab. They appear as cards.

In the top right corner, there is the option to switch from the ‘Card’ style view to a ‘Grid style view.

You can choose what information is displayed to you on the Grid, by configuring the View.

To edit the grid or view, to show information you may be interested in but is not shown by default (such as the grant’s strike price or vesting start date) you can do the following:

  1. Click ‘Columns’ to add or take out data points that are of interest to you. You can drag column titles along the title row to configure the columns in a way that suits you.

  2. You can change the way the information is grouped. By default it will be grouped by Share Class for the Shares view, and Plan > Grant in the Grant view.

    1. To change the groups you can drag and drop columns to the grouping menu bar

  3. Once you have added a column, you can also use filters for data associated with this field.

  4. You can save this new configuration by clicking the ‘Save as new view’ and rename the view to a name of your choice. Next time you come into the Holdings page, you should be able to click the Dropdown menu in the top left corner of the table, and click on this pre-saved view without having to build the configuration of the view again.


In the Documents section, you can see all the documents that have been shared with you by your company.

These can often include grant agreements, plan rules for your equity scheme and exercise documents if you have exercised any of your options.

If you expand the part of the grid that has your Company’s name, you can view all of the documents here, either as a pdf, which can be opened within the Ledgy app, or a Word document, will can be downloaded from our secure Documents folder.


In the Signatures section, you can see all the signature requests that have been shared with you, as well as the documents that have signed through Ledgy.

In the signatures section, you are also able to sign any documents that are still pending signature, either through Ledgy’s native e-signature provider, or through DocuSign if your company has sent the signatures through their connection with DocuSign.


In the Settings section, you can see your account settings.

If your preferred currency is different from the currency set by your company, you can change this in your Settings page. Your dashboard will be shown to you at the live exchange rate.

If your company has not enabled SSO, you can also update your login email for Ledgy, for example, from to If you do so, please reach out to your company admin so that they can amend this on the company side too.

Finally, if you do not wish to receive email notifications from Ledgy, you can toggle to turn this off in your settings.

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