Once you're happy with the numbers in your expense report, you can save an immutable version of your report by locking the period. The locked report won't be affected by changes to the underlying data in Ledgy and can be used as the starting point for your next reporting period. When used, any retroactive changes to Ledgy data will be automatically trued up in the new period as out-of-period adjustments.
How it works
1. Lock your report
On the report page, click "Lock Report" and give your report a name.
2. Use it for your next report period
When generating a new report period, you can optionally choose to use a locked report for the opening balance. This will use the locked report's closing balance as the opening balance for the new report, ensuring you start from the exact same numbers. Please note that locked reports cannot be used for the closing balance –this will always be generated from the latest transaction data.
3. Find locked reports in Report History
If you ever want to revisit a past locked report, you can find them in Financial Reporting > Report History. Clicking a report here will reproduce the report, pulling from the saved values instead of the latest transaction data.
Can locked reports be edited?
No, locked reports are stored securely such that no one has access to edit them. If you need to edit, you can create another version of the report period by generating and locking it again.
Where can I see out-of-period adjustments?
When a locked report is used and there are underlying data changes that would have resulted in a different opening balance, this difference is baked into the new period's expense numbers at the tranche level. You can reconcile differences by reviewing the tranche level details, however Ledgy does not provide direct identification of these adjustments at this time.