Transaction custom fields are transaction type specific fields that you create in Ledgy. Add custom fields from the Data Management page, and populate field values for each transaction in-app, or via bulk import / edit.
Custom fields can be used by the admin:
As variables for document templating
In reports
As grid columns across the app (e.g in ‘Pools & Plans’ and ‘Grants’)
Custom fields can be shown to employees via ‘Holdings’ on their portfolio.
Supported transaction types:
Decrease (i.e “Share decrease")
Increase: (i.e “Share issuance”, “Exercise”, “Convert to shares”)
Pool decrease
Pool increase
Stock split
Share transfer
How to use transaction custom fields
Adding, editing, and disabling custom fields in Ledgy
Bulk importing field values in Ledgy
Showing custom fields in employee “Holdings”
How do I add a custom field?
Go to Company Settings > Data Management page
In the Transaction custom fields panel click the "Add custom field" button
Enter the name of your custom field and select the transaction types it applies to.
Note: if you do not want the custom field to be shown on the employee portfolio, toggle the ‘Don’t show on portfolio’. Otherwise, the field value will be shown on the portfolio (see below)
How do custom fields appear across the app to the admin?
On a transaction:
In reports:
In ‘Pools & Plans’ and ‘Grants’:
What do the icons on the custom fields mean?
The icons on Data Management indicate usage on your transactions.
No icon: this custom field has no values populated on transactions.
Green tick: this custom field has values populated through manual input (either on the transaction in-app, or via bulk excel) on transactions
Can I delete the custom fields?
If the custom field is manually populated (it will show a tick in Data Management), it cannot be deleted unless the values are deleted from the transaction’s fields first.
Note: a populated field can be disabled. If disabled, the data will remain, but it will not be shown on the transaction to admins or portfolio users. It can be re-enabled with the existing data intact.
How do I enter custom field values?
Bulk import transactions
In-app on the transaction
Can I use transaction custom fields as variables?
Once the custom field is defined, you can use it as a variable in document templates.
Follow the structure below to enter the information in your template accurately:
General structure: {customField.X}
(where X is the name of the custom field)
Example for the Board approval status: {customField.Board approval status} ⇒ Result: Pending