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Set up your account, billing, equity management settings and more
How to manage your billing and paymentsAll about how to manage your Ledgy subscription
Ledgy's Danger Zone: How to grant support access, find your API key, and delete your account!Learn how to grant temporary access to Ledgy's support team, retrieve the API key, and delete your company account.
How to change your company details?This article concerns adding or changing the company name, address or other company details.
Hide company valuation and the total number of sharesLearn to hide company valuations and the total amount of shares from your stakeholders
Change the base currency of your companyEdit the base currency of you company
How do stakeholder and invitation emails work?Learn which email your stakeholders will receive when you invite them and how you can customise this email according to your requirements.
How do I enable fractional shares?With fractional shares, equity can be represented in the cap table with up to five decimal places.
How can I update my name, email, password, or the currency of my personal account?You have a new email address or simply want to update your password. You can edit these account details easily on Ledgy.
How to set up and use 2FA (two-factor authentication)?2FA is a method of confirming a user’s claimed identity through two different factors to increase the security of your account.
Can I merge two accounts?There is no automatic merging of accounts, but this article shows you how to move all information to one
Vesting notifications or other email updates, and how to manage email notifications from LedgyYou're receiving emails you don't want nor need to see? Simply turn notifications off and we'll respect your boundaries.
What do you do if you have forgotten your password?This article guides you through how to reset your password if you have forgotten it.
How can I delete my account?You have the right to delete your account under GDPR. We'll guide you through the steps to securely remove your data from our systems.